MechBot Docs
Log in with Discord first to set up alerts!

MechBot is a Discord bot that helps you find things you're looking for on by filtering new posts based on alerts that you set up. You'll recieve a DM on Discord from MechBot as soon as anything you're interested in is posted.

Getting Started

MechBot can't DM you unless you join the Discord server and allow direct messages from members in the server Privacy Settings.
(It's a Discord thing meant to prevent spam.)

Creating an Alert

Once you've signed in with Discord, set up your alerts at My Alerts .

With each Alert, you are filtering new Buying/Selling/Trading posts from r/MechMarket that MechBot will DM to you. You can see real examples of how post titles are formatted on r/MechMarket/new.

When adding an Alert for yourself you can specify filters for Origin, Has [H], and Wants [W].

Origin: Location portion of the title. E.g. [US-NY], partials also work: [US-, or you can leave it blank to include all origins.

Has [H]: Enter the item you're looking for if you're trying to buy something. Enter a payment method like PayPal if you're trying to sell something. Leave blank to consider all items/payment methods (no filter).

Wants [W]: Enter the item you're trying to sell if you are looking for buyers. Enter a payment method you have like PayPal if you're trying to buy something. Leave blank to consider all items/payment methods (no filter).

Up to 1 item in Has [H] and 1 item in Wants [W] per alert. This is because bot searches the appropriate section of the post title for the exact strings you entered to determine if it's a match. If you put multiple items in like GMK DMG, GMK Olivia for example, unless the post title had that text exactly you would not get an alert. In that case you should make one alert for DMG and another for Olivia.

Alerts are not case sensitive so don't worry about matching the text case exactly.

Important: Look for previous listings of items you're looking for and tailor your Alert to how people generally format their titles.

For example, someone selling multiple GMK sets might include them in their title as something like GMK sets (Olivia++ Dark Base, DMG R2 Base, Fuyu Base). In that case an alert for GMK Olivia++ would not match, so a better alert would be just Olivia++.